Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Breaking My Silence.

I'm not one to voice my opinion on sensitive subjects. Of course, I do have a lot to say... in my head. However, I can no longer continue to do so.

Given the current events that have taken place in this nation, I can no longer sit back and simply agree with what everyone else is saying. Now I must voice my feelings and opinions just as everyone else has. Now I must speak out.

I actually don't even know where to begin because there's so much I want to say, but I won't make this too long. So, first, I'll start by saying this... All lives do indeed matter. However, I'm not at all pulling the "this isn't about race" card because I know that's not true. And for the people that continue to say that... I will just pray and hope that one day you will open up your eyes. 

It's crazy that the society we live in at this moment in time resembles one from 50 plus years ago. I'm disgusted, hurt and want change. The justice system has once again failed to uphold just what it says... justice. Police are supposed to serve and protect and yet they've done neither. When is it going to end? The brutality, excessive police force and the infinite cases of injustice.

A few weeks ago I participated in a 'die in' on my school's campus. It was a peaceful protest. Everyone collapsed to represent the lost lives and each body was outlined with chalk. A few people had roses placed on their chest. In that moment, laying on the ground, I was overwhelmed with a flood of emotions.

It was as if I could hear the cries and feel the pain of every mother, daughter and wife who had to bear witness to the death of their son, father or husband. What a feeling!

It's not fair that I have to worry about the safety of the black men in my life every time they step out of the house. Every time they venture off to the city. Every time they walk into a gas station. Every time they're walking down the street. Every time they're simply driving in their car.

"Black men get shot by police everyday, you're just finally hearing and seeing it." Yes, I was blind to what happens everyday in America, but now that I'm seeing with my own eyes what I've been oblivious to, I can't stand to hear anymore stories from various news stations about how another black man was killed and how the officer got off scotch free.

My mother has instilled in my the importance of education since I was a young child. I hate to sound cliche, but... knowledge is power. Getting and education and truly being a aware/learning about your surroundings is so very important. Become the change that you want to see. Enlighten yourself. Be a productive member of society in anyway possible. Stop judging everyone.

These are my feelings and opinions, if you don't agree... that's perfectly fine.