Imagine a photo of a little girl posing with a doll, side by side with her childhood friend. A big smile on her face that goes from ear to ear. Not a care in the world.
Yes, that little girl with the Barbie is me. I know what you're saying to yourself.. "How adorable!" I'm flattered. I was about five or six; a kid. The only thing on my mind was playing with Barbies and dressing up. That doesn't seem to be the case
with the kids nowadays. (Wow, I sound so old)
Granted, the kids I'm talking about are 10 and up, not five like I was. My case still stands though. Kids these days are so quick to want to grow up!
Which brings me to my little story... My younger cousin is in the 7th grade, she has an Instagram, which I tried for the longest to avoid her on. Unfortunately, she found me. The other day I discovered that she also had a Twitter account as well. Why does a 12 year old have a Twitter and an Instagram? Seriously, if somebody could answer that question for me that would be great.
Anyway, back to the story. Of course I was curious as to what she could possibly be tweeting about. As I'm scrolling down her page, I see endless retweets about One Direction and other pre teenage girl things. I saw something that caught my attention, it was a link to a website similar to Ustream. If you're not familiar with what that is, it's a website where people can do live video streams.
I clicked on the link. My little cousin has a live stream channel on this website... I'm pretty sure my aunt has no idea about this. I scrolled through and found a recent video from a few weeks ago.
I start watching the video and initially she was just sitting there talking to the camera as if she had fans watching. I then hear her start singing... "P*ssy on fleek, p*ssy game always keep them n*ggas on geek." DID THOSE LYRICS JUST COME OUT OF HER MOUTH. I rewinded the video to make sure I heard her correctly. A second time, and then a third and fourth.
It wasn't just the lyrics that I heard spew out of her mouth that had me appalled, it was the way she sang them. She bobbed her head and sang it like it was such a cute song for her to be singing.
As I watched more of the video I listened to my cousin talk about the size of her chest. "Look at my boobs, I could definitely be a model." The more she talked the more I began to wonder at what point in time did my once innocent little cousin become so grown.
Kids these days are such a rush to become adults instead of simply enjoying being a kid. Life was so much easier and carefree when I was 12, that's for sure. Some days I wish I could go back. So what's the rush?
Slow your roll, kids.
In a sexualized society, it's so easy for kids to want to emulate with they see and hear on the television. What they see are people that are so much older than them dressing, behaving, and living like they are grown... because, hello, they are.
If you don't have to grow up before it's time for you to do so, take it easy and bask in the sweet moments of being a kid. They won't be around for long.
Kids these days need to go outside and play until the street lights come on, not post pictures on Instagram asking for their fellow kid followers to rate them.
You know the lyrics to every Migos song, but you don't know how to do long division... I'm just saying.
Enjoy your youth!