Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015: A New Year.

I started this blog when I was in the 11th grade. I had no idea exactly what I wanted it to become or what I wanted to fill it with. Each year since I've made this blog, I've changed the name and my ideas for it. I always said how I would get it up & running, but never actually did. Now, as a sophomore in college, my idea is so clear and I can finally say that I am ready to see my blog blossom and bring about so many great things.

I'm holding myself accountable for continuing to keep with posts every week. If I don't, who else will? I'm making sure this time I'm persistent and diligent in my work to get my blog off the ground. With each post I hope to make someone's day, make someone laugh, open up someone's mind, help someone, entertain and anything else!

This is me. This is my blog and I'm welcoming anyone who wants to take the time to support something so important to me.

Thank you. Happy New Year.

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