Of course as you begin to get older, you go through life learning lessons. Whether you learn from them or not is up to you, of course. Personally, I've learned a lot from my surroundings and the people that are currently in my life or previously in my life. Here are 5 important things that I've come to learn (and that I'm still learning):
1. People are going to do what they want to do.
Being the person I am, I like to see people do their best. I can't stand to see the people I care about doing something that's not going to benefit them in the long run, whether it be in relationships, school or anything else. However, what I've had to learn is that at the end of the day PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT TO DO. You can give as much advice and try to direct them as much as you want, but you're not in charge of their lives so of course they're going to do what they want when it's all said and done.
2. Making excuses for yourself solves nothing.
Time and time again I've made excuses for myself as to why I'm not getting certain things done or why certain things didn't happen. I was constantly trying to justify to others and to myself why things I could be doing weren't getting done. Excuses stop you from what you're perfectly capable of achieving. When I stopped making excuses for myself is when I started getting stuff done. Also, when I stopped making excuses is when I finally understood what I should and should not put up with.
3. If you can be there for someone you care about, then be there. Simple.
People remember when you were there for them and when you weren't. Most importantly the people that you care about the most and vice versa. Don't walk away from someone when they need you the most. You'll regret it so much. When they push you away, still be there for them because leaving their side when they need you the most, even if they don't say it, not only hurts you but will hurt you too.
4. Do what makes you happy, even if no one understands.
There's no greater feeling than doing what truly & genuinely makes YOU happy, regardless of what anyone else things. To be so undeniably happy doing the things that you want and choosing where you want to spread yourself is the best. Sometimes you have to figure out what and what not to give your energy to, if it's not making you happy then why do it or be surrounded by it? You have one life to live so do it doing the things that make you happy, all they while glorifying God.
5. Above all else... Choose love.
This is possibly the biggest and most important thing that I've come to learn. The meaning and act of love can go so far. Love is the universal language. To give love and to get love is amazing. This doesn't just apply to a relationship type love, but more of a spiritual love, if that makes sense. You get so many good vibes from love. After all, as God says, we are all supposed to love one another.
What have you learned thus far in your life?
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